
So, I am not blind, I know I don't have any "followers" (however if you want to subscribe so these go to your RSS feed/email, you are more than welcome) but if you guys are watching and interested in my journey and maybe wanting to tweak a few things yourself, here are the Resources I am using:

Frumps To Pumps AND Having a Martha House the Mary Way by Sarah Mae. These are awesome books.  Short sweet and full of character.  She is an amazing author and so motivational yet down to earth.  She inspires me.

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life by Money Saving Mom.  Her website is amazing.  Lucky and I read it daily... Or I read it and we talk about it.  I adore her also.  I will talk more about her later.

Maximize Your Mornings and Mission Statements for Moms are by Inspired to Action.  She also has a prayer calendar for your husband and one also for your kids.  I have printed those out also.

It seems like a lot.  But there are a lot of areas I want to work on.  All of these are written by Christian women so as you are working on time management, the house or being a better mom you are also getting a does of the big Guy.  That is where I am at right now.  If anyone is interested in doing this with me, let me know and we can figure out a place to start!

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